Elvinger Hoss Prussen allocates a special emergency donation to Care Luxembourg for Yemen

Elvinger Hoss Prussen allocates a special emergency donation to Care Luxembourg for Yemen

Yemen was already the poorest country in the Middle East when the conflict broke out in March 2015. The years affected by violent conflict and a growing health crisis that now includes COVID-19 have left the country devastated, receiving a limited amount of donations due to the longevity and other world crises.

Elvinger Hoss Prussen decided to dedicate a special emergency budget to Care Luxembourg, our long-term partner, for the Yemen cause. CARE is one of the few humanitarian organisations still active in Yemen under extremely difficult circumstances. The ongoing conflict in Yemen has created large-scale displacement, disrupted livelihoods, reduced incomes and driven price levels of essential goods to unaffordable levels. 

For families affected by violent conflict and acute hunger, the Coronavirus crisis is an additional burden that forces them to choose between two desperate alternatives: take the risk of catching the virus by trying to find food for their children or watch their children go hungry.

Elvinger Hoss Prussen will donate necessities to the displaced families that are struggling to survive and need lifesaving assistance.

CARE’s actions in Yemen

CARE Luxembourg has been implementing humanitarian relief projects in Yemen since 2017. They support vulnerable families that have lost a parent or have a sick or handicapped family member to take care of, with the distribution of hygiene kits and small amounts of money. Thus, families can maintain a certain dignity by going to markets to buy their products. At the same time, this helps to support the local economy in times of crises.