Accessibility for everyone to places open to the public

The Law of 7 January 2022 on accessibility to all places open to the public, public roads and collective housing buildings ("Law") aims to ensure that everyone can exercise and fully enjoy their rights and freedoms in terms of accessibility, this through the implementation of specific measures and in particular by making places open to the public, public roads and collective housing buildings accessible to all.

This includes, amongst other things, the premises of liberal professions, hotels and accommodation structures, roads used by pedestrians and commercial facilities.

The specific accessibility requirements differ depending on whether the locations and spaces involved are existing or new constructions.

Exceptions may be granted, however, in certain situations for reasons of technical impossibility, disproportionate burden or preservation of cultural and historical heritage. In these specific cases, solutions of equivalent effect can be implemented.

Development works can be subsidised (application to be submitted before 1 July 2028).

Penalties are provided for by the Law in case of non-compliance with its provisions.

The Law shall apply as of 1 July 2023, except that the provisions of section 3, subsection 1, relating to existing places open to the public shall apply as of 1 January 2032.

Any application for a building permit for new constructions submitted after 1 July 2023 shall take into account the accessibility requirements of sections 2, 4 and 5 of the Law.