Coordination of the Law of 1915 on commercial companies

On 15 December 2017, the Grand-Ducal Regulation (the “Regulation”) coordinating the amended law of 10 August 1915 on commercial companies ("Company Law") was published in the Luxembourg official gazette (Mémorial A) and applies from 19 December 2017.

This Regulation does not further amend the Company Law but it significantly reorganises the numbering of its articles and sections. From 19 December 2017, all references to the Company Law shall now take into account the new numbering. The constitutional documents of Luxembourg companies in force before 19 December 2017 do not need to be amended and reference to an old number will automatically be deemed to refer to the corresponding new number of an article or a section. A table listing each article with its new number of the Company Law and its corresponding old number can be found at the end of the Regulation. A table “from old number to new number” can be found on our website.

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