Sustainable finance developments

During the second half of 2023, several pieces of legislation and other guidance documents related to sustainable finance in the asset management industry have been published by national and European authorities.

Amongst these are:

  • the ESAs’ final report on amendments to the SFDR RTS;
  • the ESMA public statement on the postponement of the ESG fund names guidelines;
  • the CSSF SFDR data collection exercise applicable to IFMs and IORPs;
  • the ESMA explanatory notes on key topics of the sustainable finance framework;
  • the EU Commission’s public and targeted consultations on the implementation of SFDR;
  • the CSSF thematic review on the implementation of the sustainability-related provisions;
  • the CSSF action further to ESMA CSA on sustainability-related disclosures and integration of sustainability risks; and
  • the MiFID II product governance rules on integration of sustainability factors.

Each of these documents are detailed in the article “Sustainable finance developments” published on our website.